Kavros & Erisma

Myth, Memory, and the Evolution of Consciousnesss

I. Introduction

In the cosmic drama of The Realms, myth is transformed into a living allegory that mirrors the unfolding evolution of human consciousness. The intricate lore of The Realms, with its its creative application of divine forces and natural laws across symbolic landscapes, serves as a powerful metaphor for the interplay between enduring, distributed structures of collective memory and the transformative power of individual creativity and free will. By examining both the symbolic and material essence of each divine realm—and by exploring the pivotal tensions faced by its gods—we reveal a narrative that reflects a distinctly human journey that navigates the rigid paradigms of an ancient order and leads to the threshold of the unknown.

Our inquiry draws on timeless insights from classical mythographers such as Joseph Campbell and Mircea Eliade, whose work reveals the enduring power of myth and ritual. It also engages with groundbreaking modern ideas such as Julian Jaynes’s theory of the bicameral mind, which redefines early human cognition and posits that consciousness is evolving, and Rupert Sheldrake’s concept of morphic resonance and formative causation, which invites us to see nature as a repository of collective memory. Enriched further by perspectives from Jung’s collective unconscious and Hegel’s dialectical method, our interdisciplinary framework bridges ancient wisdom and contemporary thought, inviting us to explore the very essence of divinity and the evolution of consciousness.

II. A Mythic Cosmology

Myth has always been the language of the human soul—a means of articulating our deepest fears, hopes, and memories. Archetypes, those timeless symbols of gods, heroes, and cosmic forces, provide the building blocks of myth. Figures from ancient lore are not distant, remote deities; they are vibrant manifestations of collective experience and cultural memory. By examining these archetypes, we gain insight into our inner journeys and the perennial questions that have animated humanity across the ages.

Below, detailed descriptions of the six cosmic realms illustrate how each realm’s unique symbolic and material essence defines its character and the nature of the divine beings who inhabit it.

Nyatandi | The Eternal Song

Nyatandi is a realm where time flows like an endless melody. Every birth and death is merely a shift in the cosmic rhythm, and every end heralds a new beginning. The divine inhabitants of Nyatandi are infused with the essence of rich, oily woods like ebony and mahogany—qualities that evoke the persistence of life and the enduring weight of ancestral memory. Here, the perpetual dance of creation and cessation encapsulates the ceaseless cycle of existence.

Kaladesh | The Codification of Life

Kaladesh stands as a bastion of order amid the cosmos. The divine beings here carry within them the intrinsic qualities of terracotta, copper, and bronze, imbuing them with a blend of solidity and warmth. Governed by deities who exemplify discipline and compassion in harmony, Kaladesh is a realm where cultural memory and ritual are institutionalized, serving as a touchstone of permanence in an otherwise mutable universe.

Ma’are | The Shores of Diplomacy

Ma’are is a vibrant domain defined by ever-changing tides and the fluid interplay of elements. The beings of Ma’are, rendered in alabaster, travertine, and marble, act out the delicate balance between collective unity and individual distinction. In Ma’are, the ongoing negotiation between unity and divergence sets the stage for a continuous process of self-identification and collective transformation.

Vjelskalva | The Archives of Time

Vjelskalva is a testament to endurance and memory. The divine populace here—composed of pewter, granite, iron, and stone—stands as a living representation of linear progression. Towering mountains and ancient glaciers serve as metaphors for history’s profound permanence and endless march forward, with each divine being embodying a legacy that preserves the weight of time.

Tawa’aska | The Living Lands

Tawa’aska is alive with the raw energy of change. Its denizens, imbued with the vibrant hues and rich textures of turquoise, amazonite, and sandstone, exemplify the creative force of transformation. Here, the processes of erosion and renewal work in concert, reminding us that even the most tumultuous change is an essential catalyst for growth.

Liúren | The Plane of Enigma

Liúren shrouds itself in ethereal beauty and enigmatic allure. The divine beings of Liúren, composed of delicate materials such as pearl, ceramic, and porcelain, evoke a sense of quiet mystery and subtle wisdom. In this realm, the interplay of the seen and unseen invites deep introspection.

III. Materiality

The sacred materials of The Realms are symbols of immutable unity and inherent divinity. The inhabitants of each realm are lovingly sculpted from these characteristic materials and imbued with divine essence in much the same way that ancient cultures gave life to icons and statues with ritual and collective belief. Each being is a fragment of one of the supreme deities. Each individual is made of the same sacred substance as their creator, thus imparting an unbreakable connection to a thru-line of collective memory specific to their realm.

The materials themselves are truly alive, even when they take more humble forms. Copper vessels pulse with a signature energetic frequency. A block of granite or mahogany is a repository of innate potential. Porcelain evokes the delicate cadence of the rituals of Liúren, while sandstone seems to shift and settle like the floral dunes of Tawa'aska. Even iron seems to subtly glisten in the light of a fire as if begging to be shaped into something new. In this cosmic vision, everything carries within it a living echo of its origin and purpose.

Living Substance

The idea of morphic resonance, coined by Rupert Sheldrake, suggests that once a particular form or pattern emerges in nature, it imprints a field of collective memory that predisposes similar forms to reoccur. In this view, reality is not a fixed collection of isolated phenomena but a dynamic process where past patterns continually shape the future. This concept of formative causation echoes the ancient idea of a cosmos alive with memory and creative potential.

This metaphor of living substances speaks to a deeper truth: divinity, rather than being an external force imposed upon the cosmos, emerges naturally from the very matter of the universe. The gods, though they may appear as unwavering statues fashioned from granite or marble, are animated with purpose, meaning, and will. Their material composition is not a sign of cold rigidity but a reflection of a self-aware physical world that is perpetually renewed in the interplay of substance and spirit.

IV. An Allegory for Existence

The divine beings within The Realms dwell at critical junctures—moments when deep instinctual resonance meets the liberating force of free will. At these cosmic decision points, the enduring echo of collective memory and ancient archetypes calls for the preservation of time-honored order, while the impulsive drive—or sometimes the urgent need—for individual creativity urges the exploration of new possibilities, even if that means challenging long-held paradigms.

Julian Jaynes’s theory of the bicameral mind posits that early human consciousness operated in a fundamentally different manner than it does today. In its archaic state, the brain’s hemispheres functioned more independently. This bicameral mind produced auditory hallucinations, which early humans interpreted as the voices of gods or authoritative figures guiding their actions. This externalized cognition meant that decision-making was not perceived as an internal, reflective process but one driven by divine commands originating outside of the self.

Over time, as societies grew more complex, this bicameral system began to break down in favor of self identification. Modern introspection emerged, and with it a shift from reliance on external directives to the development of internal, self-reflective agency. This evolutionary leap of faith, from a reliance on distributed, externally imposed collective memories to the emergence of individual, creative agency, is a theme that resonates powerfully throughout The Realms.

Within Ma’are, this transition is played out in the conflict between two deities named Kavros and Erisma. Here, the incumbent faction championing communal unity reaches a breaking point in its struggle to enforce conformity, clashing with the growing opposition which favors individual expression. This struggle reflects the broader shift from an externally imposed, bicameral mode of thought to one where self-reflection and individual agency take center stage. While every divine being carries within it a spark of its creator’s memory, it can also be driven by an intrinsic desire for self-definition and transformation. Kavros has to grapple with that yearning both among his followers and within himself.

The scenes that play out in the divine dramas of Ma’are resonate throughout The Realms. The formation of identity at pivotal crossroads, the reconciliation of bicameral remnants with introspective agency, and the eventual rise of nondual forces of nature all contribute to a broader reconfiguration of the cosmic order. This arc reflects the evolution of consciousness itself from a rigid, externally driven model to one where individual creativity and collective memory are integrated into a new way of being.


The Realms invite us to reimagine consciousness not as a static repository of memories but as a collection of myths that are designed to be continuously rewritten. A mysterious subtle force flows between the realms, symbolizing the profound interconnectedness of all things. As boundaries blur between realms, any transformation in one sphere sends ripples across the entire cosmic network. This interdependence mirrors modern understandings of complex systems—from network theory to systems biology—and reflects our understanding of how individual acts of creation resonate within a larger universal dialogue. Every moment, every decision, becomes a thread woven into this dynamic narrative, where the past, present, and future coalesce into an ever-evolving reality of being.

The cosmic upheavals depicted in The Realms echo contemporary shifts in our understanding of consciousness and physics alike. In an increasingly interconnected world, rigid binaries give way to a more fluid, integrated perspective that honors both the permanence of tradition and the necessity of innovation. Our understanding of reality may ultimately evolve from the static dualisms humanity has laid down as natural laws to a philosophical framework that mirrors the subtle physical processes that shape reality. While the true nature of these processes remains a mystery, there are clues hidden in myths that speak to something deeper, something emergent, something intimate yet divine.

The narrative of The Realms is a profound allegory for the evolution of consciousness and a reconfiguration of cosmic order. It asserts that change is not the enemy of permanence but its necessary complement, and that every choice is another chapter in the new myth humanity is living.


- Campbell, J. The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
- Eliade, M. The Sacred and the Profane.
- Jaynes, J. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.
- Sheldrake, R. A New Science of Life.
- Jung, C. G. Man and His Symbols.
- Hegel, G. W. F. Phenomenology of Spirit.